Archive for the ‘AU vs NL’ Category

Quick Update: Sinterklaas in Australia

Thursday, November 27th, 2008


Everyday we are watching the Dutch “Sinterklaasjournaal” over the internet. Nicole and Jorick are looking forward to it each day and follow the journals full of excitement. And of course “Zwarte Piet” is putting presents in their shoes at night.  With Nicole and Jorick being the only Dutch children at their school they are the only ones getting these presents here, so they have to explain it all. 

The Sinterklaas journals are also a bit sentimental for us since the action takes place on walking distance from our previous home in The Netherlands. Also several scenes take place at the pre-school Nicole and Jorick have visited. 

One of the worries is how all the balloons that got lost will be brought back to Sinterklaas.

It’s hard to believe but at least one balloon has been blown to Australia. When we were at the Alma Zoo last Sunday, Jorick and Nicole found a red balloon in the Kangaroos area. We took it home and the kids have put the balloon in their shoes so “Zwarte Piet” could take it at night and bring it back to Sinterklaas.

Our first foto is in the 5th edition of the formal Sinterklaas news paper De Sinterklaasjournaalkrant“. Unfortunately the names of Jorick and Nicole are replaced by other kids names. However, in the extra edition (27 Nov) they have done it right withe the 2nd picture.

We wish you all a good Sinterklaas !!!

Jan, Anita, Nicole and Jorick

Site updated + Dykes on bikes

Saturday, November 1st, 2008
Brisbane Times 26 October 2008

World-class bog ... cycling in the Netherlands. (Brisbane Times 26 October 2008)

It took a while, but as you can see the website is updated by migrating it to another platform. Although still under construction, all earlier reports are available with the links at the right.
– Pictures can be enlarged with a click, also starting a slide show.
– Click on the blog title (vanDijkTrack) to return to home page

Dykes on bikes: The Brisbane Times just published a nice article about the Netherlands through Aussie eyes. (Click Picture for article)